Taken by Tiffany Rich August, 2009.

August 22, 2009...
WOW.. where is the time going! Have been starting the canning "season". Did 2 rows worth of carrots. Robert (7) very much enjoyed REAPING THE HARVEST. Each carrot dug was like a personal achievement for him. If only we could all see thru the eyes of a 7 year old again! So much amazement to simple surroundings.. its just refreshing and I hope I never loose that feeling. Each day is total amazement. Beautiful sunrise's that graces our living room in the early morning, stretching its sleepy arms across the fog laden pasture illuminating the the livestock as they peacefully await the warmth of her embrace. or The brilliance of the orange sunset glowing upon the white wool of the sheep, as they eagerly devour the last of the days fresh greens, as the alpaca lay quietly upon the warm grass quietly enjoying the company of the sheep never far away. So... what do people in the city look at? Cement and sidewalks and smog, still makes me curious as to what people see in the confinement of city.
I have met a few new people, with similar interests. Its always fun and exciting and educational to meet new people with new ideas!
Chatted with some old new friends when I dropped off their delivery today. Was so nice seeing them. They are always full of energy and excitement.
I have started a new way of life.. well at least for a while. A little over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer. In September of 2007 had a hysterectomy. Feeling much better, but boy between the surgery, my ONLY daughter leaving home for the army, and the loss of my job, all within 2 week period, my metabolism went haywire.. or maybe should say it just plain went AWAY! went into surgery thin and 3 months later had gained 60#, despite what I do to loose. Then developed psoriasis of the scalp. Spent allot of time recently researching both. Treated the scalp with everything known to man with NO luck.. then started to read up on the garlic I love so much. VIOLA.. made garlic juice and scrub the areas once a day one time a week and its nearly healed up and gone! How is that for WOWING ya with the power of garlic. Began to eat a raw clove once a day as well, no wonder no one visits anymore. Decided to take it to the next step and do a total body detox and change my eating.
I did the detox starting last Sunday, did it for 1 1/2 days, then started a raw food diet. Feel great! RA is feeling much better, but boy am I tired of preparing 2 meals each nite.
Day 5 of the program, has been a positive influence, as I have actually LOST 8#. How exciting.. hoping I can keep it up for at least the 30 days.
I will attempt to get photos and information on the growth of the pigs and turkeys this weekend. We are pretty busy now preparing for winter. Its deworming time for everyone again, time to body score the sheep, and clean the clippers up for crutching.
The new ram and ewe will be joining the flock soon, and preparations for breeding in October are beginning. I am still washing this past springs fleeces, so that I can make the annual trip to Frankenmuth to Zellingers. If you have never been to Frankenmuth, it personally think it should be mandatory for everyone to see at least one time. The colors, smells and shapes are a beautiful site, at least once a year. We usually take a day and have dinner and "window shop".
I find it especially entrancing in the fall with the change of the leaves and the crispness in the air that carries all the sweet aromas thru out the town, and the clattering of freshly shod horse hooves upon the stone streets, and the beautiful lines of the husky carriage horses eagerly awaiting a pat on the neck from the passers by, or even better, the chance to share their view of the town from their highly polished carriages that they tow.
Hope you have enjoyed my "Reflections". If you have any to share please we would love to Reflect with you too..
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