Being sold for $5.00 per bucket. let me know how much you want, and I will have it ready for you. Bring your own buckets or bags to transport in. This is a great price. If you look on the Internet you will find it for apx $40.00 for 10#. It does go a long way, but we have allot and its produced daily. LOL.. drop me an email with how much you want. Smaller packages are sold and can be shipped. Comes in a 1 gallon bag, and is labeled for use. cost is $5.00 a bag plus shipping.
still a good deal, but obviously the bucket is much better value.
We are located apx. 10 miles SW of Lansing, Michigan.
To place your order.. email me at
LLama Bean Information:
1.8 -1.4 -1.6
Llama Bean Fertilizer is an organic fertilizer and soil amendment consisting of processed llama manure. That's all. No chemical additives.
Naturally odor free, this product smells like dirt.
The benefits to your plants lie not only in the nutrients, but in the rich organic matter (soil amendments) which makes up the bulk of Llama Bean Fertilizer. This humus provides your soil with living earth.
The advantages of 'living earth' include:
~Supports living soil organisms
~Helps dissolve the mineral forms of nutrients from other fertilizers
~Improve water holding properties of soil
~Improves soil to provide aeration
~Protects soils from chemical imbalances
~Releases nutrients in rhythm with plant needs
We call it yogurt for your soil because it increases the viability of your soil, in much the same way that yogurt promotes good intestinal health.
Add approximately one cup of Llama Bean Fertilizer to 2 quarts of potting soil to enhance the vitality of your plants and soil. Use as a top dressing quarterly, to provide a continuous supply of 'living earth'.
The Chemical Analysis of Llama Bean Fertilizer:
Llama Bean Fertilizer is an organic fertilizer and soil amendment consisting of processed llama manure. That's all. No chemical additives.
Naturally odor free, this product smells like dirt.
The benefits to your plants lie not only in the nutrients, but in the rich organic matter (soil amendments) which makes up the bulk of Llama Bean Fertilizer. This humus provides your soil with living earth.
The advantages of 'living earth' include:
~Supports living soil organisms
~Helps dissolve the mineral forms of nutrients from other fertilizers
~Improve water holding properties of soil
~Improves soil to provide aeration
~Protects soils from chemical imbalances
~Releases nutrients in rhythm with plant needs
We call it yogurt for your soil because it increases the viability of your soil, in much the same way that yogurt promotes good intestinal health.
Add approximately one cup of Llama Bean Fertilizer to 2 quarts of potting soil to enhance the vitality of your plants and soil. Use as a top dressing quarterly, to provide a continuous supply of 'living earth'.
The Chemical Analysis of Llama Bean Fertilizer:
Nitrogen =1.77% Phosphorus =1.43% Potassium= 1.56%Calcium 1.4% Magnesium .51% Sodium 652ppm
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