Monday, August 10, 2009

Garlic Powder

So far I have done up 2 small batchs of garlic powder. oohhhh what a beautiful treat.
I have seen different ways to do this, I put the peeled garlic cloves in my food processor and ground them till tiny. I then spread this, (sorta like a garlic paste) on a non stick dehydrator sheet and placed in the dehydrator at a low temp. Left the last one over night and it was complete in the am. took out broke into small piece's and place in my herb grinder.
I got a good SNOOT full when I opened it up. I then placed it into a wire rabbit ear sifting basket and sifted it. not many chunks left. what was too big I re ground. then placed in a used but now empty garlic bottle, removing the label to make room for my own. This is garlic like you have NEVER had in a powder!
I do think I'm going to try a different method tho. I noticed allot of the garlic oil left behind in the food processor when grinding. I am going to SLICE the next batch and dry and see if it makes any difference. I think it may, by just keeping MORE of the garlic oil in the garlic.
Next years garlic crop will be MUCH bigger. Look out China.. here come the garlic loving Americans!
Since I planted over 100 red and white onions as well as leeks, I plan to dry some of them and make into powder too. I think this could become a nice little hobby that could make some money in the long run.

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