As promised, we have new updated pics and information on the pigs.
We have, gone thru all but apx. 20# of the original 500# of feed purchased in July.
I go to the elevator and get another 500# tomorrow. They are currently eating at a rate of apx. 55.5# every 3 days. Since we were not convinced with the measuring tape method to figure out weight we are guestamating it. However.. the Wiggly, the female as well as the RUNT, is apx. 75# and Piggly, apx. 80-85#. Wiggly is catching up quickly.
There is a huge difference in body style as well. Piggly, is a very LONG bodied pig. Being part Landrace, they will often have an extra rib length. This is good for a few reasons.
will make apx 6" more length to loins, ribs, and bacon area. However, he is not a BEEFY boy.
He is rather lean, with allot of bone. So there are good and bad aspects to him.
Wiggly on the other hand, looks as tho she didn't get the extra rib genetics, she is much shorter and VERY stocky. She is wide and deep, with short fat hams and much smaller bone.
We will see what the final out come is at processing time.
As close as we can figure now, we will have less than $300 into feed and purchase of pigs.
We do have to deworm them soon. When they hit 100-125# we will hammer them with large doses of garlic and cayenne pepper. We are trying to keep all synthetic/man made drugs/meds. completely out of their system. The only thing thus far they have had is Iron shots when born.
I think if you compare the photos from earlier to the photos taken today, you will agree, they have definitely hit a growth spurt.
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