It has been a while since I posted re guarding the 2009 pig project.
The pigs are growing at a enormous rate right now. We did make a slight mistake with the feed.
We purchased a 15% feed from a local feed store, as we felt the pigs were too little still to go out and have the 500# made up at the mill. They did NOT like the pelleted form of the feed and took forever to complete it. I finally decided to just go ahead the purchase the feed. so call the mill in am and picked up 500# of fresh ground corn,soy ect feed for the pigs. WHAT a difference. since going on that feed apx 3 weeks ago they have gone thru 2 bags of feed. The bags are 55.55# PER BAG apx. so they are putting it down. We continue to give the whole cow milk. However switched it around some. I used to feed it in the am, but noticed more AGGRESSIVE behavior in the am than in the pm if fed the milk then. I think they were coming out in the am, hungry from sleeping all nite and just ravenous. So we have switched to feeding it at nite. We have tried to keep them on a fairly REGULAR schedule. They seem to thrive on routine as I have heard before.
The pigs (affectionately named Piggly & Wiggly) still have not figured out the nipple drinker. so I dug a hole in the ground in front of the barrel when the nozzle was placed, and I stuck a bucket in the ground.
each morning I dump the bucket in their wallow, creating a nice muddy mess for them to play, lay and root thru. Robert and I (my son) sit down there for sometimes 30-45 mins. in am just watching them play in the mud. It really is quite comical. we dump the water 2 times a day filling the pail which is just above ground level 2 times a day, at least for now.
I did find a formula for weighing the pigs. However, I really don't think it is very accurate at their age. have to look into it a bit more.
Yesterday we also gave the pigs some new playmates.
We put the geese in the pen with them. This has created quite a quandary for Piggly and Wiggly.
The geese, who have been solely on pasture, had to finally be put with feed. Here in Michigan we have not had allot of rain and pastures are NOT doing well. The most COST effective way to fatten the geese was to put with the pigs and let them eat. Well eat they have... they have chased the pigs RIGHT out of the feed... I do see the pigs in MORE often now tho. we will continue to monitor the situation to be sure they are getting ample food. 2 of the geese.. the oldest 2 leave tomorrow to go to a friends. she has a large swampy//pond thing in her pasture she is gonna put the geese into to clean up some of the bugs and larva. They will LOVE it there and I will only have 3 LOUD mouths to feed instead of 5!
New pics of the pigs to come soon.
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