August 13th, fall is quickly approaching.. I found myself becoming concerned yesterday as the leaves are falling ALREADY!
The pigs are growing rapidly. The turkeys are getting big and we got a second freezer. Preparation for the fall "Harvest" is under way.
I spent a good part of the day yesterday searching for "reasonably" priced garlic seed. Seems garlic is the thing to have! Most are selling for $18.00 a lb! How crazy is that!!!
I have decided to increase the garlic production on the farm. I LOVE garlic.. so took the plunge.
Hoping to plant around 500-1000 plants this year. We will be using MUCH of our organic fertalizer to add the the ground for the garlic. I am anxious for next harvest and the production of some garlic powder. We are also going to be using garlic to worm the livestock with.
Our SUMMER garden is progressing nicely. Not as well as I would like, but getting there. The ground needs work still, which will happen this fall when the hoop house comes down and the BIG daddy tiller comes out! We will also Increase the size of the garden as well.
We have been eating tomatoes since June.. a real treat, thanks to the hoop house. But they are starting to come on really strong now. Should have some to can in just a few days. Our cabbage are OUT OF CONTROL.. HUGE heads, 3 of the 6 are as big as basketballs! NO KIDDING!!
The onions are coming. some are small but have many that this fall will be wonderful. I will be drying many and making into onion powder for winter use. The leeks... not sure about them.
I did pull one early this week and eat it. Its not very big, but WOW.. talk about packing a punch! I suspect I will have many of them to dry as well. Soon we Will be able to set up our farm stand at the end of the drive.
We contacted a NEW butcher for the pigs. They are less expensive but not by allot. They are apx. .06 cents a lb less expensive to smoke the meat tho. They are in Ionia instead other side of Saranac so somewhat closer.
Well that is about all the HAPPENINGS on WoodSpryte Farm...
I am hoping to get a more accurate weighing on the pigs soon so will update when I do.
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