It has been a while since my last post, so I will bring everyonw up to speed.
Its currently October 5, 2009. Today was spend flushing the water heater so that we could fire up the outdoor burner and heat the water. Nothing like that hot water. I have been holding out washing the Merino fleece I have for the HOT water.
We attempted to get measurments on the hogs yesterday. As close as I can figure,the wiggley weighs 169# and piggly is 192#. I think that is actually a bit on the heavy side tho. We decided to call the butcher in 2 weeks for a first week of November delivery. HOWEVER.. weather will be a big determining factor.
My Husband has now been officially laid off for about 6 weeks. Thank god we had already purchased all the hog feed ahead of time. Coming up with the cash to butcher will be done over the next several weeks.
The hoop house had to have new plastic. The old tore just before the frost. EEKK
so hurried and got that repaired. The tomatos are slowing, but still getting ripe. have several plants with blossoms still on them.
I have transplanted many of the herbs into pots for the winter. they are still outside but in the hoop house slowly warming to house temp. I have to get them in soon as we have had the fire going in the house and it will be hard for them.
My parents offered their very fertile soil for my garlic for this year. Together with my folks we put in little over 800 cloves. I will add a photo of the garlic garden.
All the sheep that I purchased thru the summer are finally home. The ram is fattening up and preparing for his duty. the ladies are currently being flushed, (fed grain to increase egg production and multiple births)
One of the ewes came to us with a heavy worm overload. she is in quarantine from all others, and has currently had a good dose of garlic/cayenne. tomorrow she gets another dose. I am planning to breed the others in about 2 weeks. The last ewe, the one I MOST anticipated, WAY too small to breed, much to my dissapointment! She is only 24 days younger than MAY, the lamb we kept this spring, who is pushing 125#, the new ewe, is about 30#. its going to take some time with her.
We are in the process of building a COLD FRAME for the winter. this will grow lettuce for salads thru the winter for us.
Tomato canning is complete.. PHEW..
My newest and MOST exciting purchase (other than the garlic) has been shiitake logs.
I received them October 1st. One is currently sprouting "PIN HEADS" or baby muchrooms, the other is still on hold for another week, I will push that one then and will rotate the two logs. I also have a portabella mushroom kit coming. we will of course be eating mushrooms, BUT I will also dry the left overs for cooking with.
I think this about catches us up for the time. Photos will tell some of the story. If you are interested in the Muchrooms, let me know and I can send information.
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