Yesterday was a bitter sweet day. After spending Monday morning loading the pigs, they slept in a nice warm trailer, full of fresh straw. We got up yesterday, as usual, to get our son off to school. I went out to feed the pigs, But much to my surprise, they were in NO distress, they were passed out all over in the straw, snoring and sleeping like babies. I actually got off 3 pictures before they woke.
Wig, walked up and wanted her head rubbed. I think they were trying to butter me up.
I decided not to feed them, as we were going straight to Ionia to the "packing company", and they usually sleep in till 10:30 ish anyway. So off we went. The trip went smoothly. As soon as we arrived, I went back to check on them. They did look a bit LOST but otherwise quite content. When it was time to unload, the gentleman was VERY patient with us. I had told him some time ago that even tho they were going to be meat, they were still a living breathing thing with thoughts and feelings, and I would not tolerate cruelness. I dont get the impression that he would have been even without the lecture. We expected the pigs to BOLT as soon as the door was opened, but they just stood there. Pig stuck his head out and went back in to lay in the warm straw. I opened the 2nd door, no change. I had to actually get up in side and push them out. They then quietly followed my husband to the back gate, then the other man into the holding pen. He called them by name and scratched their backs as they walked past. The probptly began ruting in the dirt and were not in anyway upset or frightened.
He guestimated they are about 200# we could have gone another month. These were VERY lean hogs. they were not skinny but lean. We will have little weight in fat.
Due to the calmness of the pigs and the man helping, we will also have no surge of natural hormones. This can cause your meat to taste different or be more tuff.
Imagine, adreanalin running full wide open just before hand! eewww.. so we took every precaution, not to mention.. they are still a living creature.
Now Im a pretty tuff person. I doesnt bother me to take the chickens or turkeys, but I have to admit, I have thought about it alot. Today is actually the kill day. Probably as I type actually. Pigs are very intelligent. The first one will not know what is going on, but the one that has to see it, will be scared for MOMENTS only, but still. If you cannot seperate yourself from these feelings, do NO do pigs. I was just as ready as any of us to be done with wading in the mud, and hauling feed and water. But I have to admit.. I will miss Pig and Wig.
Anyway, moving along.. after the pigs were in the holding area, we went to the front to speak with another very friendly and helpful lady. She had her job cut out for her. We had to tell her WHAT we wanted. And tho I had researched, I still was not sure what the best cuts for us would be.
We ended up with something like this:
all hams smoked
shoulders into boston butt
center cut ham steaks (from the center of the ham area, leaving large ham) 3/4" cut
Instead of pork chops, we went with pork cutlets, again 3/4" I HATE pork chops!
1/4" bacon from one side and 1/4" side pork from the other. (Bacon is smoked side pork is NOT)
2 racks of spare ribs
I took all the hocks, no one wanted them from the other hog, so they will be smoked for soup.
the jowls into bacon as well
scraps into sage sausage
and requested the lard from both hogs.
We are keeping one, which ever is the largest, for our family, and the other was sold to friends of the family for half and the other half is being seperated into half of a half for my folks and Mikes as well.
Our friends requested the hearts and tounges. this was not a problem for me. I like venison and beef heart but not crazy about pork heart, and the tounge, naaa I have seen them eat some nasty stuff. grin..
Thursday I am to call and they will give me hanging weight on the pigs.
as soon as I get this I will add to THIS blog as well as other information.
UPDATE: The pigs had a HANGING weight of 136# and 138#. Here is the Breakdown
Pig purchase $30.00/2=15$ each
DeWormer $17.00
Feed $80.00 X2= $160.00
Kill fee 40.00X2 80.00
processing .44 lb x274# $120.56
It has definately been worth it.
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