I just finished jaring up my Sauerkraut. This was my first time of making this. Always intimidated by the idea of fermenting food, I always put it off.
This year we had bumper crop of red cabbage. They were as big as a basketball! how do you possibly eat that much cabbage.. well ferment it!
I have to say.. if I NEVER have store kraut again it will be too soon! Below you will find the directions for making your OWN sauerkraut! I didnt grow any green cabbage so I am hoping to hit the farm market and get a green one or two.
This is an easy recipe and OMG good when done.
What I did!
What is needed:
1 5 gallon food grade bucket or a large ceramic crock if you are luck enough to have one of those.
SALT and LOTS of it. I have a 1# bag of kosher salt that I used
1 head of cabbage OR more if you want to make more.
a plate that will fit inside of your bucket or crock
weight (Clean rock, gallon jug of water, qt jars filled with water, ect.
cheese cloth or towel to cover bucket with.
Thats all
Now wash your cabbage on the outside. remove all old leaves.
Shred your cabbage to the consistancy you like. I like a large kraut so I shred with a large kitchen knife. if you have a mandolin shredder that would be perfect.
Once your cabbage is shredded start to layer.
a layer of cabbage, layer of salt, and pack it down HARD. use a clean baseball bat, your fists ect. the more you squash it the better you are.
add more cabbage, more salt and squash it again.
Keep up this pattern until all cabbage is used. I didnt use the whole # of salt but used ALOT of it. This will be the preservative for the cabbage. The salt will DRAW the water out of the cabbage making a natural brine. If after 1 day the brine is not over the plate make a strong brine with boiling water and salt should be very salty, cool and pour over the cabbage.
The fresher the cabbage the more water will be drawn out.
place plate on top and press.
Add the WEIGHT to the plate and COVER. Place into a cool place. if you can remember to press the cabbage ever few hours for the first few days this is best. as soon as the brine is over the top you are out of the woods.
the longer you can leave to ferment the better off you are.
Mine sat in the living room, coolest room in the house, for about 4 weeks. there was really no smell until uncovering then OHHH the aroma.
PACK kraut TIGHTLY into jars, and pour over the liquid to fill jars. wipe rims.
I placed in clean jars and boiled my lids and bands. I did not heat the cabbage.
This made me 3 qts and 1 pint of HEAVILY packed Kraut.
Enjoy! I'm off to start another batch! YES its that easy and that good.
Photos coming soon!
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