Well we tried to get in to the Amish to process our meat chickens, they had no room for us. would have been nearly 2 weeks after what we needed. spent1.5 weeks trying to reach them as well. SOOOO we took a chance on Fowlerville Processing plant. I have to say we were VERY happy with the results! chickens came back clean and tagged with OUR color. They do charge for keeping necks and giblets so we didnt do that, and they charge for cutting them.So we had them left whole and cut when we got home. The insides were clean, in most cases even the kidneys were gone. found an occasional tracha peice, and maybe a pin feather or two. We did find one that looked like they popped the gizard or stomach, just a little discoloration so we rinsed it. Otherwise very nicely done. Just thought I would share with every one .Also to those that may be interested, Most of our birds went 1/2-1 ounce under 7# (dressed)we got them as day olds on April 15. Put them in a brooder for 1.5 weeks then in a large pen in barn until 4 weeks old. at 4 weeks we put them on pasture along with all the food they could eat for 12 hrs. and a 7 gallon waterer.We initially purchased 3 bags of 24% which lasted about 4 weeks. We then went down to 20%.we started out with 4 bags of the 20% and had to purchase 2 more bags. toward the end we were going thru a 50# bag every 4 days, and close to 7 gallons of water a day. they ate alot of grass, bugs and such in the pasture too and walked around quite a bit. we placed the food and water in different SHADYplaces daily so that they had clean area to sit.We butchered on June 11th, we lost one 3 days previous I think probably to flip.HE WAS HUGE. so they were 4 days shy of 8 weeks.so a total of 450# of feed.the out come with feed, purchase of chicks (Vantress Whites)and processing came $1.91 per pound of PROCESSED chicken.we threw one right in oven when we got home, as we were splitting with parents and had 21 birds so when they came to help cut birds we had the 21st one roasting. The flavor was UNBELIEVABLE! Juicy and fresh tasting. they are a bit tougher than the PEN raised birds that are full of CRAP, plus they did walk around alot. But the difference is not that noteable. We are all gonna do it again next year and likely do a few more. we started with 25 and 21 made it to the processor. NOT too bad. Oh and we used kalambach feeds, which I strongly recommend for any of your livestock needs. We are considering doing hogs next year too, has anyone got a break down of cost like the chickens?hope this post is helpful to someone.
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